1. ワクチンを3回以上接種していること、または3回には満たないものの打ち始めている方
2. 直近2週間以内に海外渡航歴がないこと
3. 1.2とも該当しない方は、体験等の予約の上、PCRの陰性証明をご持参ください。
西麻布書院 古川静仙
It is not for sure that Covid-19 is over at this moment. Therefore we have several conditions to welcome new foreign people who want to learn Shodo.
First of all, let me tell you that all of my current students have been vacctinated for Covid-19. Secondly we have never had a student who have become infected with Covid-19 so far. Therefore, we require for you to check the followiing conditions when you make a reservation for Shodo classes.
1. You need to vaccinatated for Covid-19 over 3 times.
2. You need to get a negative PCR test results.
I appreciate your understanding in anvance that these are required to keep safe yourself and our students from Covid-19.
To made a reservation, please contact us from here. For the details about Shodo classes are here.
Thank you,
June 24, 2022
Seisen Furukawa
Nisihi Azabu Shodo Studio
Copyright © Nishi-Azabu Shodo Studio.